What are the benefits to an investor of turnover-based rents?
What are the benefits to an investor of turnover-based rents?
Is there a benefit to investors of switching to turnover-based leases? The IPF Report on Turnover-based leases undertook a survey of UK valuers, agents and owners/investors in May 2021 to find out what the industry thought.
Many investor respondents cited the combination of turnover data and the choice of operating with leases outside of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 helped to deliver both higher income growth and reduced tenant insolvency risk, without the penalty of higher income volatility. This may seem counterintuitive as the uncertainty of a turnover rent would normally increase income volatility, but this is offset by the increased ability to manage the lease and the tenant mix overall.
The summary version of the IPF Report: Turnover-based leases, the issues, drivers and challenges, a survey of best practice can be found at https://www.ipf.org.uk/resourceLibrary/turnover-based-leases-survey-of-current-practice–november-2021–at-a-glance.html